Are You Plugged In?

You ever have something hit your spirit in such a way that you have to pause and really sit in it before you share it with others? Yeah, that’s this blog post. Somethings that have come up for me lately is while I am in my season of building discipline and consistency, do I have the right connections and am I plugged into the right “source”?

There have been times in my life where I have been called to do something that I was not particularly interested in doing, or it went directly against my ego, or I just outright did not feel adequately equipped to handle the task at hand. You know those moments when you have been uniquely POSITIONED in a particular place or space, and for the life of you, you have absolutely no idea why you were the one chosen for this specific assignment.

Think about it…

That’s it, that moment right there, filled with uncertainty and doubt, is often where profound growth and opportunity lie. It also is the moment that your life becomes the blessing that either shifts you into the space you were destined for or shows someone else how to carry on with their purpose.

When you are properly plugged into the right source and have good connections, you are pushed in the direction you are meant to go into and typically can confirm this by experiencing the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). When life is producing a lot of anxiety, insecurity, confusion, fear, or you just feel outright intimidated, you should take a moment to step back, check your power source (your heart), and ask “what have I loss faith or hope in?”, “what am I scared of?”, or “what have I been fed by the people/things I am connected to that is producing these feelings?”

I recently came across a thought-provoking quote that emphasized the importance of being cautious about how often and from whom you seek and accept advice. This is crucial because relying too heavily on external opinions can create an environment where you may start to doubt your own judgment and decision-making abilities. Therefore, it is vital to take the time to “plug in” with yourself and connect with God, allowing yourself to follow the guidance of what you truly feel in that sacred space of reflection and inner clarity. [This requires great discipline, patience, and intentional time alone with God]. The ability to find contentment in your own presence is truly a gift, one that leads to a greater sense of discernment when navigating the important decisions life often presents us with. That “season of isolation” or that profound feeling of “who am I?”, those reflective spaces are crucial moments to tap into as you strive to figure out what God is calling you to do in this particular season of your life and where He may be guiding you to go in the future. Taking the time to embrace solitude can provide clarity and insight that enhances your connection with both yourself and the Creator.

Identify what is holding you in a space of stagnancy or bondage and then pray, seek community, and meditate for mental clarity. When something is attacking your spirit, it requires you to dig into your spiritual toolkit and seek God for assistance. Here are some guiding questions that helped me in my time of reflection:

  • What are you focused on/connected to?

  • What are you giving your energy to?

  • What is feeding your “why”?

  • What/Who is filling your cup?

  • How have you charged you lately?

  • Are you engaging in meaningful and mutually beneficial connections?

Praying this holiday season is filled with Love + Light family ❤️


Letting Go, With Love..