Called to Care

Have you ever felt like you just cared too much? You’re always the one to put your heart on the line or be the most passionate one in the room and yet you always leave a relationship, work space, or even just a simple conversation disappointed or discouraged? Whew, child. If no one else will admit to it, let me be the first to raise my hand.

For years I have struggled with feeling burdened by caring too much and while I believed it to be a blessing, there were many times I felt like it was a curse. As I was checking in with God last Saturday, I was reading John chapter 15 and everything just clicked.

In being called to care, there were several times during my time as a caregiver where I felt alone. I did not feel seen, I did not feel like my sacrifice was valued, but then I realized that my purpose for holding the role of caregiver was not to receive praise from my family or friends, but to serve the calling God had on my life in that season and to live out and be an example of what God commands us to do.

God commands us to love one another. This is a practical type of love, meaning it’s not a matter of what emotions we feel but it’s more of what we do and how genuinely we do thing for others. The love He commands us to give is sacrificial, humble, and constant. There are times God will put someone in your path just so you can show them His love and lead them to Him (family member, friend, co-worker, or romantic partner). You will know that is your calling or assignment by the peace and patience He gives you with this person. In those moments , it’s important to discern and be certain that God is calling you to that person and then love them in a way that is pure to you. (Now this only applies to people who have consulted God. Don’t come telling me you read this post and things didn’t pan out how you planned, because I’m going to send you straight to God. I want no parts lol).

Another side to being so loving and caring is that everyone will not be able to receive such a love. In those moments, do not be discouraged for being a caring person. After all Jesus came so that we might experience and understand the love God has for us and people hated him, ridicule him, and eventually put him to death. How people respond to the way you love and care has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and the things they are fighting within their flesh and spirit.

I realized that many times we often feel disappointed or discouraged because we were seeking some sort of validation from those we care for and when they do not respond in the way we expect them to, we feel rejected or let down. When we put our worth in the hands of others, we will experience being let down, because humans are not perfect. So when you feel down or you need some extra validation, we can affirm ourselves in knowing that the Almighty has chosen us and that He loves us.

What I am learning in this season of my life is that staying connected to the source (God) and having a friendship with Him (get in your word, talk with Him while you’re driving, at work, before you make a decision, after the fight or whenever you would normally consult your friends) are very essential parts of one’s life. If we do this then He will take care of the rest (producing fruit in your life). Daily we have to release control and focus solely on our connection with God and not our productivity or the outcome of a situation. If we are connected, then everything that is for us will come to us (Law of attraction). Yes, do the work, steward your gifts well, but do not be so caught up on the product or outcome that you forget to maintain your connectedness with the one who supplies you with what you need to fulfill your destiny. (John 15: 1-2)

“You are only too much for those who are not meant for you. Never shrink yourself (your love) to fit into a space smaller than what you were made for.”- Jae


Just Obey


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