Just Obey

“If God has given you something to do, he knows you can do it, so all the excuses have to go out the door.” -Michelle Williams on Redeeming the Fear, walking in your purpose and more

Has God ever confirmed something to you and you just miss it and keep saying “God if it’s for me show me. OR God if I’m supposed to do this tell me when to do it or what exactly to do?” I don’t know about y’all but for me lil baby be needed God to come and give an extravagant sign to move and the crazy thing is sometimes the confirmation is right there in my face and I miss it. And I know God probably looking down like “Girl, how much confirmation do you need before you JUST OBEY.”

In those moments, we often think about all the ways things can go wrong and operate out of a mindset of fear, but what if everything goes right and God’s promises are right beyond you being obedient and having faith that He will come through for you. When the plan has already been orchestrated, there’s nothing no one can do to stop it. There might be a detour here and an obstacle there, but it’s not the end.

When God tells you to do something, you need to move. Do not allow fear to paralyze you. I think about the times God has told me to let go of someone or something that He explicitly showed me in my future and I become so pressed to find ways to hold onto them or it, because I fear that His promises won’t come to pass. But then I have to remind myself that the same God I’m trying to “finesses” is the same God that created me and never failed me and so I release what or who I have to to Him and allow His plan to have dominion over my life. It’s hard in the moment but then I remember that delayed is not denied, a delay merely an opportunity for development which will lead to better alignment when the timing is right.

Over the last 6 months, I have been waiting and listening to hear God say this specific thing to me “MOVE” and do you know I still haven’t heard that exact word. But what I have been hearing is “If you don’t move when God tells you to, someone else will. If you allow fear to stifle you and refuse to move when God tells you to, God will bring in someone else and if they make that move, they will get your blessing. Opportunity will not always be present.” I literally heard this so many times and it wasn't until now that it registered.

Once you move in obedience, God will bring you the people, the support, the direction, whatever it is you need to fulfill the calling He has on your life. Your faith and obedience are the keys God needs to unlock the next level in your life. Don’t worry about what it looks like or what people say or think about how you are moving. JUST OBEY.

Faith is the acknowledgement of fear and still doing it anyway. My God! In the face of fear, I still have the audacity to meet God halfway and believe that He will use me to be a blessing to people, regardless of what qualifications I may or may not have, and that everything will work out for my good.

Will it take you seeing someone else doing what you are gifted for in order for you to move? And when that happens will it be too late?

“Got to have that ‘But If Not’ in your spirit” (I’m going to do it anyway! At least I put myself out there.)


Boundaries Are Your Friend.


Called to Care