Am I Having an Identity Crisis?

As we close 2023, I’m aware that my life have shifted in so many ways, but what took me by surprise was that when 2 BIG roles (coach and caregiver) in my life were “stripped” from me, I struggled to identify myself. Now with both I had a bit of a heads up, which in a way was a blessing, because I was able to constantly be in reflection and intentionally spend time in therapy to “find myself” yet again? And on the backend, I have been able to reset and approach life through a more healed lens. (*Oh, Amen! An answered prayer man!)

I know what you are thinking, did that girl say “yet again”? And the answer is yes, yet again. I feel like in the last few years, I have died to my ego time and time again, only to reveal yet another layer of the woman God has created me to be. You see for someone like me, my identity lied in the fact that I was the oldest and only daughter, that I was the good kid who did everything right, that I sacrificed to make sure others were happy, and that I NEVER said the word no. As I grew older, my identity lied in being what others saw in me, this great success. Success meant being perfect and perfection lied in the expectations of those who had me so high up on a pedestal. It wasn’t until I realized that being up on that pedestal was never what I wanted for me and it wasn’t what God had destined for me.

So recently, I have had a complete mindset shift (Thank God!). I have been working really hard to identify myself in Christ, strengthen MY relationship with him, and make intentional connection points throughout my day. To be honest, doing this has allowed me to not only “find myself”, but as seasons change in my life and people and things come and go, it has helped me to continue forward in realizing that what happens around me does not determine who I am. For those that don’t know: I am a child of God, I am very much loved, very much chosen, and I am more than enough. No matter where live takes me, who I am connected to, or where I have been called or assigned, those truths remain about me.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I feel more than not there are many people who can relate to my experience. What I can share with you is that this journey, though not easy, has been one worth everything I’ve had to endure. It has been worth learning how to navigate the ups, the downs, the mountains and the valleys. It has been worth connecting with those who have played such purposeful roles in my life, as I mature. It has been worth releasing those who no longer serve me and I them. I guess to sum this up, my answer to the title of this post is no, you are not having an identity crisis. You are simply becoming more aware of how you were naturally designed: A masterpiece created to love and for connection made in the image of Our Creator.

I pray you take a few moments to just sit with yourself today to discover exactly who you are and to come into alignment that with who God says you are and see that the external things do not define you, they only enhance you.

Happy New Year Fam! Love and Light!


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In the Midst of Transition… Submit to the Process.